Happy Bicycle Day 🚲 If you choose to celebrate, wear a helmet and have a trip sitter.
“Safety first, then teamwork.”
All jokes aside, discovering psychedelic research has profoundly changed my life for the better as I have touched on before. Clinical trials conducted by Johns Hopkins and other prominent scientific institutions are continuing to prove psychedelics’ effectiveness in treating mental health issues such as depression and PTSD. They are NOT for everyone and should ONLY BE USED SAFELY & RESPONSIBLY, preferably under the guidance of a medical professional.
Happy Bike Day // 18/200
If you are interested in learning more I recommend checking out the book How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan or visit MAPS (the shirt I’m wearing is to support MAPS). I fully believe that our grandchildren will be shocked to hear that psychedelics were once illegal just as I’m shocked at all the imprisonment of people for marijuana possession, something that’s completely legal now in 17 states.
And that’s a hill I’m willing to die on. Stay Curious. Stay Vital ✌🏽